Video Release Form for Oral History Submission

This form is for video/audio story submissions for the art exhibition Threads of Passage: From Vietnam to America. Before uploading your story, review the Video Submission Guidelines. Please email Linh at with any questions. Deadline to submit is Monday, April 7th. Thank you for sharing your family’s story!

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Contributor Name
Storyteller Name (if different from Contributor)
Provide a download link to your video story w/audio or audio story only. Stories should be no longer than 7 minutes. You may record a longer story and edit it down however you wish to 7 minutes. Audio only submissions must upload photos of the family member to accompany their story.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Upload any past or current family photos that you would like to accompany the video or audio story submission. This is optional for video submissions but required for audio only submissions.
Consent and Permissions
I hereby grant permission for the video, audio, and photographs of the above-named storyteller (or myself) to be used in the Threads of Passage art exhibition. I understand that the submitted content will be publicly displayed and may be shared or used for educational, promotional, and archival purposes. I consent to the inclusion of subtitles, and I waive any rights to compensation or royalties related to the exhibition. I also acknowledge that I have the right to withdraw my submission at any time by providing written notice to the artist (Linh My Truong) via email at
Consent for Online Video Archive
Please select one of the options.
Acknowledgement and Release
I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into this agreement. I acknowledge that I have read and understood this release form, and I consent to the use of the submitted video/audio and accompanying materials for the Threads of Passage exhibition. I affirm that I am the rightful owner of the content submitted and have the authority to grant these permissions.
Please type your full name.